Internships at BRR

Real work, full scope experience.

Our interns contribute directly to the success of our clients’ projects. Working shoulder-to-shoulder with teammates at all levels, BRR interns gain real-life experience, whether through design, project management or client service. BRR’s culture of apprenticeship is perpetuated through the teammates who work most closely with our interns.

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Out of the classroom, into the real world.

  • Portfolio review sessions
  • Project site visits
  • Hands-on training demonstrations
  • Vendor lunch & learns
  • Building Days

The variety of experiences and opportunities available at BRR creates a dynamic and engaging internship program. BRR interns explore real-life applications of their skillset each day.

The level of responsibility I had made me feel less of an intern, and more as part of the entire team.

Cole, 2022 Intern, Atlanta

Interns in every office

  • Kansas City
  • Bentonville
  • Phoenix
  • Philadelphia
  • Atlanta
  • Austin
  • Dallas
  • Seattle
  • Long Beach

The majority of BRR’s offices host an intern each year. The interns often learn from one another and compare their educational experience from different universities.

BRR has a great community that’s always very supportive and always looking to invest in your education.”

Daniel, 2022 Intern, Austin

All interns in our program are eligible for the Future Professionals Scholarship — $2,000 toward their education.

“All of these experiences that I’ve had this summer between the scope visits, the site visits, just actively being able to work on all the documentation is an invaluable experience in itself,” said Lizzie Dagget, winner of the 2023 Scholarship.


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